Here’s what to look out for in investment firms before investing

A lot goes into making financial decisions. From which financial institution is credible, to the interest rate an individual or an investor will earn aside from the principal invested.
But the most important thing is how credible that financial institution is. Before taking a step to invest, you have to do some background checks on the investment firm.
In this report, GhanaWeb business outlines some factors investor(s) / Ghanaians need to consider before pumping huge sums of money into those investment firms.
1. Go to the financial institution you want to invest, ask for their certificate of registration.
2. Request for their certificate of incorporation as well.
3. Find out whether they have registered with the Registrar-General’s Department.
4. A proof of license from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
After getting the above certificates, especially the license from SEC to operate, the investor then makes further research on;
5. Whether the investment firm has branches across the country.
6. How many people have invested there in the past.
7. If people did, what were their experiences?
The pointers should be able to help any investor make a conscious decision when it comes to finance and investments.