GNAT declares strike in 6 regions

The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) has joined sister teacher group, National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) in its industrial action against what they describe as unfavourable working conditions.

NAGRAT declared a nationwide strike over the newly introduced Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS) acquired by the Public Services Commission, unpaid allowances and delayed promotions among others.

NAGRAT President, Angel Carbonu says while the association is yet to meet the Ghana Education Service (GES), there is scheduled meeting with the National Labour Commission on Wednesday over the impasse.

NAGRAT and GNAT will begin their strike action today, Tuesday, September 10, 2019.

In a statement copied to Joy News, six out of the 10 regional branches of the Association say they are embarking on the industrial action following the inability of their employer, the Ghana Education Service (GES) to resolve the many challenges confronting its members.

GNAT said it has been inundated with calls and agitations from its members across the regions for the strike action and the Association is no longer able to control them.

Below is a copy of the full statement:

Source: Ghana |

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