Former Gender Minister Otiko Djaba now TV show host

Former Minister for Gender Children and Social Protection (MoGCSP), Madam Otiko Afisa Djaba now hosts a Television Programme on TV3.
The Programme dubbed “Let’s Talk Ability” is a talk show that provides a platform for persons with disabilities to speak out.
It is aimed at educating the public, bringing to the forefront of public discourse burning issues on disability in Ghana.
Produced by Madam Otiko Djaba who has an experience in similar projects with Plan Ghana in the Upper West Region, the talk show is to give the Ghanaian society a better understanding of what PWDs go through, for society to appreciate how difficult their lives are and throw light on how PWDs, their carers, the community, Government, CSO’s, NGO’s, DPO’s, philanthropist’s, employers, educationist’s, health, justice and institutional providers can contribute to the development and welfare of PWDs.
The one hour programme which currently airs on TV3 features a wide range of panelists, professionals and guests including PWDs, Government officials, Disability Peoples Organizations (DPOs), parents, teachers, medical practitioners, religious leaders and other stakeholders that work closely with PWDs.
Persons with disability (PWD) have historically, traditionally and even customarily had their rights denied and abused. To date discriminatory beliefs and practices against PWDs continue to persist and resulting in human right violations that are unacceptable.
Consequently, Otiko Afisah Djaba is initiating the ‘Let’s Talk Ability’ TV show to serve as a media tool for educating the public, bringing to the forefront of public discourse burning issues on disability in Ghana.