First Allied customers throw garbage on NPP government over unpaid savings

Aggrieved customers of First Allied Savings and Loans Limited have given government a ten – day ultimatum to issue an order that will compel management of financial institution to release of all their savings to them.
They have vowed not to stick to any option than to hit the high streets of Accra, march straight to the flagstaff house and demonstrate their displeasure against government if the latter fails to carry out their wish within the aforementioned grace period.
Their planned protest according to the leadership will be more catastrophic unlike the previous one since they have settled on invading all the 27 branches of First Allied Savings and Loans Limited to carry out a planned devastative action.
Clenching their fist in furry during a press briefing in Kumasi, embittered customers expressed provocations over why government has hitherto failed to respond to their outcry by effecting measures to address the situation as a show of their concern.
Government’s silent posture towards the financial fracas blazing between them and management of First Allied Savings and Loans Limited they underlined is a clear display of insensitivity and a disrespect on the part of NPP led government.
As a way of giving credence to the foregoing, they recalled how the current government was so quick to intervene in the MENZGOLD saga by ensuring that all legal measures were set in motion against NAM 1 and his management team.
“This is not seen in our case. We have submitted petition to the Ashanti regional Minister Hon Simeon Osei Mensah who we thought will utilize his position, accounting background and influence in government to help us. On the contrary Hon Simeon Osei Mensah and other known personalities in Ashanti region have flashed down the lavatory our petition with no regard whatsoever to it” one customer disclosed in anger.
Scores of emotionally and psychologically wounded customers who spoke to THE PRESS RADIO are of the suspicion that the CEO of First Allied Savings and Loans Limited who they claim is the owner of A1 super market is a strong supporter and financier of NPP hence government’s relaxed posture towards the matter.
They further revealed that the financial institution as way of avoiding being spotted and pounced upon by red eyed customers have changed the branding of most of their official vehicles. “All graphical decorations of first Allied Savings and Loans Limited on their official vehicles have been erased” they exposed.
Failure on the part of management of the institution has caused much havoc to clients, Mr Justice Acheampong Mensah one of the leaders disclosed.
“Some customers are deceased following their inability to withstand the situation, others even attempted suicide, businesses have collapsed, marriages have broken down, some are living in abject poverty because all their life earnings are locked up at First Allied Savings and Loans Limited” they lamented.
As a way of paying NPP government in his own coin, they have all resolved to vote in their numbers against the ruling party come 2020 general elections.
Source: Akonnor