Fashion is important than music and movies Ellisha Boie jabs

Fashion is more important than music, people need fashion to survive, when people wake up they think about what to wear, not the music they are going to listen, without fashion we will all be naked, people dress up to look good to go to that job interview and qualify, people have to look good fashion wise so they are not judged the wrong way,Fashion plays a very important part in human life than music said Ellisha Boie which was monitored by,
These are the words of the Ghanaian renowned fashion designer Ellisha Boie which is generating a lot of controversy and reactions from the public, part negative, part positive, but overall making it a subject worth debating.
The fashion designer has been involved in series of bold Fashion adventures including the attempt to set a Guinness Book of world records for featuring the Oldest model at 90 years and is “Currently on a campaign to make fashion more relevant to the masses, make it exciting like sports and music in his words and to break boundaries with fashion as a whole.
Ellisha Boie has a Radio show on RBM radio every Tuesday at 7.00pm with the host Officer Haii, where he discusses fashion, and everything associated with it .
You can download the RBM app on tuneIN at the playstore or follow the fashion designers Facebook page (Ellisha Boie) to watch the live video..
Ellisha Boie has costumed loads of celebrities and important personalities like Wiyaala and designed the entire Costume for the music video of the number song in the country now “Chochomucho” by Bless