EGS Boss describes professional teachers allowance captured in the SONA as dubious

The Chief Executive Officer of Educate Ghana Summits (EGS) Mr. William Boadi writes to the President of the Republic of Ghana, H.E Nana Addo Danquah Akufo Addo over the professional teachers allowance captured in the State Of The Nation Address (SONA).
Dear Nana Addo, teachers professional allowances captured in the sona is dubious – Boadi William, egs boss.
To begin with, let me thank you so much H. E. President Nana Addo Danquah Akuffo Addo, for the Free SHS policy you introduced to leverage the poor and also, the large number of 67,000 teachers recruited. The teacher is a major player in educational policy implementation and so you did well by recruiting that much. Thanks once again.
However, we need some clarifications here.
Humbly, Mr. President, in your state of the nation’s address, you made some startling revelations about the state of the nation and and proceeded to make some mouth watering promises.
Educate Ghana Summit therefore wishes to know the following pertaining to the education aspect of the address.
- “We have agreed to grant teachers professional allowances”
- What exactly do you mean by the PROFESSIONAL ALLOWANCE?
- How much is it or what’s the percentage?
- When exactly should teachers expect it?
- “We have cleared 92% of the legacy arrears “
- Mr. President, how did you get this percentage figure?
- The Teacher unions requested for data from GES and CAGD on those who benefited from the payment of the said Legacy Arrears. How come they were not able to furnish them with the data?
- In case I would have to remind you, CAGD has directed teacher unions to gather information on their teachers who have been owed Legacy Arrears, when they can just, by touching a nub, can consult their system for that information.
- How then did they arrived at the figure for you?
- Let’s accept that the 92% is correct, when are you paying the rest 8%?
This would be all for now. Educate Ghana Summit – We educate the nation…..
I am a concern citizen of Ghana.
Mr. Boadi William
CEO, Educationist, Author and Motivational Speaker
Educate Ghana Summit…We Educate The Nation.