
Did you know that ‘twerking’ has benefits?

The country where twerking originated from remains a mystery waiting to be uncovered. However, one known fact is that the dance originated in Africa.

Twerking is a popular and provocative dance primarily performed by females that captivates the attention of men. It involves rhythmic movements of the hips and buttocks, with the performer thrusting their hips and shaking their buttocks.

While twerking is typically done in a low-squatting position, variations have been developed to enhance the dance’s appeal.

Despite being primarily seen as a form of entertainment, there are certain benefits that women can derive from this visually appealing dance.

A video posted by a Ghanaian blogger, Gh Kwaku, on Instagram featured a woman demonstrating the dance and highlighting some advantages associated with it.

She mentioned that twerking was originally called Mapouka, a traditional dance from Côte d’Ivoire that shares similarities with twerking.

The benefits of twerking

Twerking removes stagnant blood from the uterus:The uterus is a hollow muscular organ located in the female pelvis between the bladder and rectum. It plays significant roles in fertility, pregnancy, and menstruation. Stagnant blood around the uterus can affect the quality of eggs produced since blood nourishes the eggs. Twerking helps ensure the easy flow of blood around the uterus, enhancing its overall health. It also promotes blood flow around fibroid cysts and empowers the womb.

Twerking increases circulation to the sacral chakra: According to Healthline, the sacral chakra is located below the navel, where the perineum is. Associated with the sex organs and kidneys, the sacral chakra is also known as the sex chakra. It is believed to enhance creative expression, improve sexual intimacy, and increase intuition. Regular practice of twerking boosts sexual intimacy, fosters creativity, and helps combat low self-esteem.

“Mapouka, or twerking, has the power to remove stagnant blood from the uterus and even fibroid cysts. Not only does it empower your womb space, but it also increases circulation to your sacral chakra,” she said.

If you are struggling with low self-esteem, blood circulation issues around your uterus or fibroid cysts, or want to amplify your creativity, try squatting and putting your hips and buttocks to work.

Watch the video below:



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