
Church Accountant commits suicide over missing money at Nsawam

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Tabernacle Believers Worship Centre (TBWC) accountant has taken his own life at Gyara Zongo in Medie near Nsawam. The accountant who has been with the church for eight years now, was rushed to the Medie hospital in the early hours of 5 pm yesterday evening when he was found hanging on a tree at the back of his house.

Enoch Agana, a member of the Tabernacle Believers Worship Centre was the one who found the 51-year old accountant hanging on the tree when he went to deliver the youth’s weekly finance to the deceased church accountant so he could add to his Sunday stewardship briefings, on the state of the church’s financial affairs.

Enoch Agana after arriving at the Accountant’s house at almost 5 in the evening, kept shouting the name of the man ‘Mr Armstrong! Mr Armstrong!! Mr Armstrong!!!’ but there was no response. Enoch after waiting for six minutes and still not getting any responses, went to the backyard of the house to ease himself.

Enoch was going to urinate when he came across the hanging body of the 51-year old Church Accountant. Mr Armstrong, the Tabernacle Believers Worship Centre’s financier, has committed suicide on a tree in his backyard. Enoch together with others was able to take the almost lifeless body of Mr Armstrong to the Medie Hospital for emergency care.

Mr Armstrong was confirmed dead at the Medie hospital after he was admitted to the emergency theatre of the hospital. Though there hasn’t been any postmortem, Enoch Agana and some church members have confirmed that the man’s death was because of a missing 12,000cedis which he couldn’t account for in his end-year financial review.

Mr Armstrong in his end of year financial review on 27 June 2021, could not account for a missing 12,000cedis which was nowhere to be found after he read his financial report to the church. A church audit report conducted on the church’s bank accounts revealed that the 12,000cedis was missing from the account because it was never deposited into the church’s bank account.

The auditors further stated that the accountant Mr Armstrong, may have either deducted the actual monies that were supposed to go into the church’s bank account or had misplaced it. This called for his resignation and prosecution from some of the church members while others blamed it on his old age.

The church leaders were yet to decide on what to do with the situation when the news of Mr Armstrong’s death broke out last night. He left behind a wife and two children.

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