‘Chains and Shackles’ shows Nov 9, 10 at Alliance Francaise


Village Minds Production in partnership with the National Folklore Board and Alliance Francaise d’Accra is ready to treat theatre lovers and the general public to an original play, “Chains & Shackles.

The play is set in the village of Anomansah. Although much is not said about the village in the play, daily life has been a blissful affair between Ama Ghana and her children.

Anomansah is a land where storytelling and laughter rises and recedes with the night. It is in this beautiful land of gold and splendour, of joy and respect, of plentiful sunshine and beautiful nights that Diogo discovers and destroys.

Perceived as a god, he seduces Ama Ghana and Dzapata into letting their children go on a voyage unknown, a journey of pain, of sweat, of sorrow and of dirges aboard a monstrous ship.

The play comes at a good time as 2019 will mark 400 years since the first slaves left the shores of West Africa. The play hopes to tell the story of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade and throw some light on our cultural values.

Village Minds Production has over the last four years treated theatre lovers to plays such as the Love of Mamavi, Homeless, and The Barber & the Apprentice.

Their commitment to developing the theatre arts by telling relevant stories and creating the platform for self-expression remains unshaken.

This is the fourth play written and produced by Nii Ayi Solomon and directed by Woelinam K. Dziewornu-Norvor.

The play will be showing on two days, November 9-10, at the amphitheatre of the Alliance Francaise campus. Each show starts at 7 pm.

The team at Village Minds Production promises its audience and theatre lovers, in general, a good production that touches on our culture and history and seeks to provide an unforgettable experience for all patrons.

Advance tickets can be purchased at the front desk of Alliance Francaise.


Source: Myjoyonline.com

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