CEDEP; Asante Akim South Witness Progress As MCE Executes More Projects

Asante Akim South Municipality is witnessing an impressive progress under the current administration of the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) Hon Alexander Frimpong.

A number of completed and ongoing projects highlighted by the MCE at public forum organised by officials of Centre for the Development of People (CEDEP) indicate that residents will soon be relived from the number of developmental challenges which characterize many deprived communities in the areas of road, education, electricity, health among others.

It was captured in a presentation done by Hon Alexander Frimpong, during the forum that so far, 330 kilometers out of the 500 kilometers of road network making up the Municipality has been graded.

The asphalting of 70 Kilometers of road network he stressed is ongoing at communities including Banka, Saabo Junction, Bobu, Bompata, Amantia among other areas.

The execution of the foregoing projects he underlined will ease accessibility to remote communities and make living more comfortable for residents.

Under education, he announced the ongoing construction of a GET Fund 12-unit storey class room block at Juaso Senior High School plus an ultramodern Kingdergarten block at Juaso M/A block, a complete 6-Unit class room block at Bompata Senior High School funded under GMPC.

Others include the construction of a world Bank funded 3-unit class room block at Bompata, an ongoing roofing of a 6-unit class room block at Moanim community under GET Fund, a 4-unit class room block at Bogu community, 3-unit classroom block at Subinso, an ongoing construction of a 6-unit classroom block at Kumeso and the construction of a 3-unit classroom block fully equipped with a computer lab at Aboaboso.

Subinso community he noted can currently boast of a newly constructed 3-unit classroom block including areas such as Obobu (4-unit), Muronaim (newly roofed school building).

Speaking in an interview with this THE PRESS RADIO he revealed that through the support of the District Assembly’s Common Fund and the MP’s Common Fund, free vacation classes has been instituted for Senior high school students within the Municipality to increase academic performance of students.

The town hall meeting which was organised by the leadership of CEDEP witnessed the attendance of departmental heads of the assembly, assembly men, traditional leaders, unit committee members, religious leaders, the Coordinating Director for the assembly Mr. Fredrick Agyemang etc.


It also seeks to strengthen citizen’s capacity on social accountability mechanisms to efficiently engage with their local government officials to demand transparency and accountable governance create opportunities and spaces for information sharing on district assembly development projects and performance among others.


Centre for the Development of People (CEDEP) was established in 1983, aimed at optimizing human potentials to ensure sustainable human development in Ghana.

Vision is a Society that promotes the social, economic and Civic rights of people in pursuance of equitable and sustainable quality human development.

Mission is to support, facilitate and build the capacity of marginalized , disadvantaged and vulnerable groups to become effective  partners and together influence policy in pursuit of sustainable human development in Ghana.

Source: Enock Akonnor


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