Both male and female students of Apeguso SHS share same pit latrine

Apeguso Senior High School in Asuogyaman District in the Eastern Region is facing depressing infrastructural and furniture crises affecting quality education in the school.
The school does not have adequate dormitory accommodation for both male and female students hence converted some of the few classrooms as dormitories.
The conversion of the Classrooms into dormitories has worsened the already existing challenge of inadequate classrooms in the school.
The school does not have an ICT and Science laboratories affecting students to carry out practicals of the related subjects.
Students in Apeguso SHS scramble on few woefully inadequate desks in congested classrooms.
The most worrying aspect of the situation is the fact that students -both male and female attend nature’s call on pit latrine toilet facility.
Access to water to enhance sanitation is also a challenge to the school.
“Apeguso SHS is facing lots of challenges. There is an inadequate girls dormitory, there is no boys dormitory block so classrooms have been converted to sleeping accommodations. Their toilet facility is very poor state but shared by both male and female students. The school doesn’t have a standby generator to power the school in case of light off to even print document. Whenever there is light off in the evening students cannot learn. All these challenges are affecting the school which needs government intervention”.Nana Dede Akwei II ,Mankrado of Apeguso told lamented .
A French Teacher in the school Kwabena Boafo explained that “we lack classrooms. What we are using is an old classroom. We don’t have school field, we don’t have Science lab , we don’t have ICT lab. The road from the junction to the school is in bad shape, we don’t have sports field which is affecting sporting activities in the school. Water problem too is also there . Inadequate Furniture is also a problem. Inadequate classroom furniture is making it difficult because the students are packed in the class.You will see seating in fives and tens on a chairs learning together . Our appeal is we are appealing to government and other Organization to come in as a matter of Urgency”.
Some of the students appealed to government to come to their aide.
“Our classroom blocks are not enough. We don’t have Science labs and Science Equipment this makes the science students suffer when it is time for practicals so we are pleading on the government we really really need the Science lab for the science students to be able to do their Science practicals to be able to pass the science for us ”
“Our boys’ dormitory is in bad state which is not good for our health . The toilet too is an eyesore . We don’t have ICT lab we need a lot of computers to study”.