Book On Domestic Violence Launched In Accra

A book on domestic violence entitled “Revealed! The Storm is Over” has been launched in Accra with a call on the judiciary to review the justice system governing domestic violence to enable perpetrators of defilement and other forms of abuse bear all the cost incurred by the victim.
The book, authored by Ms Beatrice Shine Ayroe chronicles her abusive childhood, marriage and divorce and the dynamics of the current single life of the author.
In a speech, the guest speaker for the occasion, COP Rtd Gifty Botwe, who made the call said introducing that reform would serve as a further deterrent to potential offenders adding that an additional six months jail or community service punishment could be meted out depending on the magnitude of offence and judicial discretionary powers.
The former first Director of Women and Juvenile Unit(WAJU) now DOVVSU, said that could be an added dimension of punitive measure to persons who commit defilement offences and other forms of domestic violence and abuse.
Furthermore, she said this could afford other unwilling victims the opportunity to come out and voice out their experience.
Additionally, she said this could avert the potential situation where victims could die or degenerate because they have no money to seek medical attention.
She urged persons suffering any form of domestic violence and abuse to step forward and voice out their ordeal to redeem themselves without fear.
COP Botwe urged government to support and protect victims of domestic violence and abuse who report such offences in order not to be victimized again.
She said the book is a must read for Ghanaians of all social backgrounds who have to read to receive guidance on how to avoid domestic violence and abuse, adding that it will motivate others to voice out their experience and offer approaches to healing oneself through Christ .
COP Rtd Botwe urged the unit to be proactive in fishing our victims of domestic violence and abuse.
In an acknowledgement, Ms Ayroe called on DOVVSU authorities to explore ways of giving contemporary meaning to the justice administration of the unit.
She said if the victim does not get the needed support they may not be able to voice their pain out.
The book, she said is in three wings of child sexual abuse, marital abuse and divorce and the loss of a loved one.
Ms Aryoe urged all who are under any form of abuse to come out and speak out to break the hold on them.
She urged victims of domestic violence and other forms of abuse to rely on the God factor to heal themselves.
The author has plans afoot to publish other best-selling related books in the foreseeable future.