Blow by blow account of how the police rescued Estonia Consular General

The Charlie SWAT Unit of the Accra Regional Police Command picked up intelligence that some Nigerians residing in H/N/11/B, NTHC Estates, Vivian Farms, Lashibi, were suspicious characters who stay home all day but go out only at night.
On Thursday, April 18, 2019, at 0800 hours, the Police followed up on the intelligence and located the house. Attempts by police to enter the house was met with resistance from the occupants. In the process, all 3 occupants scaled over a fence wall at the back and escaped.
Whilst the police were still at the scene, victim Hon Nabil Makram Basbous, 61-year-old, a Lebanese Consular General and Head of Mission of Estonia to Ghana came out from one of the rooms in the house.
He narrated to police that he lives at Labone near Wangara.
That about 0700hours that same day, he went out for a walk within his neighbourhood, 10 minutes into the walk, a white Hyundai Elantra private car pulled up in front of him.
One of the occupants came out, pulled a pistol on him and ordered him to enter the car or risk being shot if he resists.
He obliged, entered and was driven away with the kidnappers pointing a pistol and an axe at him.
He could not see his way till they got to the location and was detained in the room and held hostage for payment of ransom.
The Police found the car used in the kidnapping parked in the compound. A search in the car found a Retay brand Pistol loaded with 5 rounds of 7.65mm ammunition and 2 axes, Hyundai Elantra with registration number GE 8922-17, a Honda motorbike with registration number M-19-GR 507, 1 pistol, 5 rounds ammunition and 2 axes retained as exhibits. Suspects at large.
The case is under investigations.