[AUDIO]: Indiscipline Is The Major Cause of Perennial Flooding in Ghana – Panelist

Ghana will still suffer from drowning floods time and time again every time it rains if the citizens fail to exercise some high level of discipline.
According to a regular panel on South Africa – based Press Radio current affairs programme dubbed “Ghana Te Sen” Rev. Emmanuel Donkor, lack of discipline to fellow law and order on the part of Ghanaians is the course of perennial flooding which claim many lives and properties.
“The ministry of Works and Housing should make proper planning to save lives and properties, also Institutions, Departments and agencies who have been asked to carry out works on the drains ahead of rains should be held responsible and accountable and ordinary Ghanaian should also exercise high level of discipline to save people. We need to sensitize our people. When you drink pure water and drop it on the bare floor, do you expect the president to come and clean the place for you? We must stamd up and begin to punish people for their recklessness and negligence” he stated.
Heavy rains recently have wreaked havoc in many parts of the country, especially in Accra.
In Kumasi, it claimed the life of a six-year-old boy and destroyed many properties. In Cape Coast, the Central Region capital, farms were submerged and lectures at the University of Cape Coast were suspended on Wednesday.
Many urban areas in Ghana get flooded every time there is heavy rainfall.
Speaking in an interview with Kwaku Anane Junior, the host of “Ghana Te Sen” programme on Press Radio on Saturday, 2nd November, 2019, Rev. Emmanuel Donkor lamented that more than four years since the June 3 twin disaster which killed hundreds of innocent Ghanaians at a filling station located at Kwame Nkrumah Circle, Accra but Ghana has failed to learn eternal lesson from the disaster.
“Time and time again, the rainy season in Ghana turns out to be a spectacle across the world considering the seeming damage it causes due to lives and property. So should you ask if Ghana has truly learnt from past disasters, the answer would be a simple no”! He quizzed.
“Kwaku, we have engineers, Town and Country Planning department in all Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies so I asked myself when I was in the University that what they are planning. What Town and Country are they planning? Up to date I haven’t got the answer. Because if we are indeed planning I think the rate at which floods are causing disasters in the country have reduced drastically” he emphasized.
Meanwhile, The Cabinet on Wednesday approved $200 million for the Accra Resilient and Integration Redevelopment Project, aimed at addressing flooding in the city.
Information Minister, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, said this at a media encounter on Wednesday. He also said the government was embarking on the project to avert further loss of lives and properties caused by floods.
Source: Thepressradio.com/Anokye Elvis