American Embassy reacts to Chronicle’s ‘Nyate, Nyate’ headline

The Embassy of the United States of America, in Accra, has reacted to our Wednesday’s banner headline – American ‘Nyate, Nyate’ Girl Orders Ghana To Restore PDS.
In a telephone conversation with some of the editorial team members of The Chronicle, the embassy said Ms Kyeh Kim is not a ‘Nyate, Nyate’ girl – and that she wrote and signed the letter for the restoration of PDS on behalf of her organisation – Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) and to a larger extent, the government of the United States of America.
We wish to put on record that we have nothing personal against Ms Kyeh Kim. We were, however, upset that an individual, whether acting in her personal capacity or on behalf of a group, could write such a letter to a government of a sovereign state, ordering her to revert the decision it has taken. Nevertheless, if the Embassy feels slighted, we say we are sorry.