Akwaaba Group Set To Host December In Ghana With Exciting Events

Event management firm, Akwaaba Group, in partnership with renowned Ghanaian disc jockey, DJ Mensah, and partner Dennis Tawiah has lined up several exciting events for this year’s Christmas holidays.
This year, Akwaaba Group is kickstarting the ‘December in Ghana’ celebrations with its ‘Welcome2Gh’ event to be held at Garage on December 18, 2022 and the “Last One” also to be held at Garage on 8th Jan. 2023.
On Friday, December 23, 2022, the Group will be hosting a highly entertaining and fun-filled event at Pitch Lounge dubbed: ‘Set It Off.
A ‘Drip Party’ is on the agenda in Accra on Saturday, December 24, and will be followed by an ‘All Black Party’ on Wednesday, December 28, 2022 which will be held at pitch lounge.
Then comes a major event for lovers as the Group holds ‘Summer of Love’ on Friday, December 30, 2022. For those searching for love, ‘Summer of Love’ is certainly an event to attend. ‘Summer of Love’ will be held at Pitch Lounge.
The group will kick start the new year with their most attended event dubbed “All White Party” on 1st Jan. 2023 which will be held at the pitch lounge followed by “Brunch & Vibez” which will happen on the 2nd Jan. 2023.
Ghana will experience “Party In The Park” at the pitch lounge on 3rd Jan. 2023 followed by a cool day party dubbed “Daytox” which will take place on Wednesday 4th Jan. 2023.
Your best bet for enjoying the Christmas holidays in Ghana this year is to attend the events being organized by the Akwaaba Group, DjMensah and his partner Dennis Tawiah because they will offer nothing but the best of experience you can’t forget.