Airport MD’s sack: Sam George asks 5 glaring questions that beg for answers

Speaking on the Saturday, February 12, 2022, edition of JoyNews File, Sam George insisted Mr Kwakwa was only a victim of a powerplay.
While insisting that Mr Kwakwa was only caught up in the crossfire of the alleged powerplay, Sam George said there was more to the issue than the public has been made to know and thus demanded answers to some issues pertaining to the matter.
“Why was Mr. Kwakwa sacked? Did it have anything to do with McDan and the terminal or it had to do with other things?
“We hear a lot of things in this town. It is important that we realise that at times, things may not appear as they seem until you dig beneath them. I know that the parliamentary committee was with Hassan at the airport. They had invited the minister and had gone there to see everything that had to be put in place at the terminal – What they call the SOPs.
“Someone will ask, is this a power tussle between business interests? Is that why Kwakwa has become the pawn in a battle between two elephants? People who are in the aviation space know that today, private jets are landing in Ghana’s airports, they are being serviced, not through the regular terminal 3 you and I use,” Sam George said.
According to Sam George the Airport MD’s recent callout of McDan Group for its non-compliance to procedures in operating at the Kotoka International AirPort was not the main contributor to his sacking.
The GACL after calling out McDan Private Jet Services, suspended the company from operating at the Terminal One of KIA.
Mr Kwakwa’s dismissal has since been attributed by many to the decision to suspend the operations of McDan at the AirPort.
But Sam George has alluded to a different opinion and further demanded some answers on News File on Saturday.
“They are being serviced through CIP. Does this terminal 1 pose an existential business threat to CIP? And who are the individuals behind CIP? Is it a tussle between McDan and the beneficiaries of CIP that has led to Kwakwa being the sacrificial lamb?
“These are the questions you need to be frankly answering to the Ghanaian people because one day, the truth will be known publicly and I’m saying to you that the business interest behind the CIP at terminal three, which is currently servicing the private jet industry and the emerging McDan Private Jet Lounge at terminal 1, Mr. Kwakwa is the unfortunate victim of power play between two elephants,” he stated.
Meanwhile, Vice President of Policy think tank, Imani Africa says the Ghana Civil Aviation Authority and the Ghana Airport Company failed to do due diligence in checking procedures regarding McDan’s private Jet Lounge.
He believes the businessman was strictly doing bold business and therefore cannot be faulted.