Agric Ministry receives $30m farm equipment from Brazil

Government has received $30 million agriculture equipment from the Brazilian government to boost agriculture in the country.
They include tractors and combine harvesters to support farmers in Ghana, including those engaged in the government’s flagship ‘Planting for Food and Jobs’ programme.

This is the last tranche of the $96-million deal under which the Brazilian government supplies tractors to Ghana under a South-South cooperation.
The loan is intended to provide the government with the means to buy and distribute agricultural equipment to small-scale farmers, thereby helping to improve and modernise agriculture in the country.

Minister for Food and Agriculture, Dr Owusu Afriyie Akoto was elated at the support from the Brazilian government.
He said the last tranche will focus on harvest, post-harvest and value addition – a decision which seeks to enhance the work of smallholder farmers.

The Minister also revealed that the equipment will be sold to farmers at a subsidised cost of 40 percent.
He reiterated the government’s determination to transform the agricultural sector through the use of technology to improve production.

Dr Afriyie Akoto expressed gratitude to the Brazilian government for agreeing to release the funds and pledged that the government would judiciously utilise the facility for the benefit of farmers.
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Some farmers who are beneficiaries of the farm machinery module of the Planting for Food and Jobs programme said it will save them time and help increase their yields.