EuropeNews Africa
Africa in Russia’s updated foreign policy

In an updated foreign policy document which is now available for the general public, Russia would take drastic steps in consolidating its position on the global stage, strengthen its relations in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Russia would particularly fight against growing neo-colonial tendencies, which it considers a threat to development, in Africa.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed the updated foreign policy document which was complied and presented by the Ministry of Foreign of Affairs. It outlines the main parameters and the key regions as well as contains the strategic directions on the basis of drastic geo-political changes in the world. It demonstrates Russia’s drive for the development within the framework of the multipolar world.
It introduces the notion of Anglo-Saxon countries, and that relations with them will be built “depending on the degree of their readiness to abandon the unfriendly policy towards Russia and respect its legitimate interests.”
The document says Russia stands in solidarity with the African states in their desire for a more equitable polycentric world and elimination of social and economic inequality, which is growing due to the sophisticated neo-colonial policies of some developed states towards Africa.
“The Russian Federation intends to support further establishment of Africa as a distinctive and influential center of world development, giving priority to supporting the sovereignty and independence of interested African states, including through security assistance, inter alia food and energy security, as well as military and military-technical cooperation,” the document reads.
Russia stands in solidarity with the African states in their desire for a more equitable polycentric world and elimination of social and economic inequality, which is growing due to the sophisticated neo-colonial policies of some developed states towards Africa, according to the concept.
Russia intends to focus on supporting African countries, including in the area of security, food, military cooperation, according to the updated document.
Russia intends to support the establishment of Africa as a distinctive and influential centre of world development. Its priority here is Russian-African cooperation in various spheres on bilateral and multilateral basis, primarily within the framework of the African Union and the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum.
Andrey Koshkin, chief of a political sciences department at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, argued that “Africa as a whole is reorienting, they want to interact with China and Russia, which makes Western countries nervous,” and under the current conditions, Moscow should “not only be capable of building relations, but offering new forms of coexistence as well.”
The document states that Russia will build its relations with other countries depending on what policies these countries pursue toward Moscow. It will defend its right for development with all means at its disposal in light of the drastic geo-political changes and the emerging multi-polar world order. President Vladimir Putin endorsed the new foreign policy document on March 31 and now becomes the official working document of the Russian Federation.
Source:| Kestér Kenn Klomegâh|Contributer