Koforidua SECTECH: Parents angry over GHC100 levy for furniture
The decision by the Parents Teachers Association of Koforidua Secondary Technical School (SECTECH) to levy parents Ghc100 to procure furniture for the School to ameliorate inadequate furniture challenges that confront the school has not gone down well with some parents who argue that it is government’s responsibility.
Parents have been levied Ghc100 each towards procuring 1,500 mono desks following a decision taken during a PTA meeting held in December 2018.
Some parents told Kasapa News they were taken aback by the amount, having paid Ghc10 PTA dues and Ghc30 Levy for PTA Projects during the registration of their wards in September 2018 but affirmed that they agreed to pay because of the urgency of the situation.
In October last year, Kasapa News reported on a seeming desk crisis in the school as a result of the implementation of the Free SHS policy which exponentially increased the population of the school.
Some of the students were seen leaning against classroom walls to learn while teaching was ongoing because they had no desks to sit on. Some students were forced under the circumstance to join some pieces of woods together as desks.
This compelled management to resort to plastic chairs for some of the students though that was not convenient.
Students who sat in the plastic chairs wrote on their laps while others who did not want to distort their handwritings turned their chairs into tables and knelt to write on it.
Some of the students complained of back pains and neck pains as a result of the situation.
Assurance by government to provide the school with desks was not forthcoming while the challenge continues to have negative effects on academic exercises hence the PTA’s decision to levy parents.
Source: kasapafmonline.com