Asawase killings: Attorney General receives committee’s report

The committee set up to probe the killing of some seven youth of Asawase in the Ashanti Region, has submitted its report to the Attorney General’s office.

After seven young men from the area were shot and killed by the police, a committee was set up to look into the matter.

Although the report of the committee has been forwarded to the office of the Vice President, its conclusions are still unknown despite calls from families of the dead for the report to be made public.

But sources close to the Zongo and Inner-City Development Ministry, have told Citi News that the Attorney General’s office will peruse the report and advise on the next course of action.

Asawase killings: Families want committee’s report made public

The families of the seven Zongo youth have been demanding that government makes public the findings of the committee that investigated the shooting.

The families say they have been left in the dark, hence the need for the President to implement the recommendations of the committee for justice to prevail.

Zakaria Musa, who spoke for the affected families said government not disclosing findings of the report to the families was unfair.

“Respective families did appear before the committee, the police appeared, the pathologist who conducted the autopsy was also present, and I am sure the report from the autopsy is with the committee, and part of the reports forwarded to the authority. It has been over a month now, and the family doesn’t know anything,” he said.

Zongo youth group demands report on Asawase police killings

The Concerned Zongo Youth Association in the Ashanti Region, called for the release and speedy implementation of the report.

Sadick Alhaji Hussein, Secretary of the Concerned Zongo Youth, was of the view that making the report public, will dispel all kinds of rumors and perceptions about the killings.

“It has not come to the public domain yet, but we can also preempt to know the content so basically we are of the belief that our people will be vindicated. We believe that our brothers were not armed robbers as was alleged. We want to believe that the report will vindicate us with time.”


In July, some youth in the Asawase constituency staged violent protests in reaction to the killing of seven young men in the area.

They said the young men were not armed robbers as the police claimed in its report.

Others said the Police account of how the seven persons were killed was untrue.

The angry youth took to the streets in the Ashanti Regional capital to protest over the killing.

Among other things, they burnt lorry tyres and besieged the Asawase police station demanding justice.

The situation forced a joint police and military presence at the police station to avert any violent attacks.

Later on, a committee was constituted to find out the circumstances that led to the killings of the seven youth.



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