Zein Foundation Provides Speed Ramps, Support Westland Kids

The Zein Foundation, a vibrant Accra based NGO in collaboration with the Ghana Road Safety Commission have constructed speed ramps on the Westland-Hatso stretch in Accra.
Officials of Zein Foundation stated that recent killings of road users by motorists stirred them to provide the ramps.
Indications are that, speeding on the stretch has reduced drastically after construction of the ramps.
“The speeding in the past was terrible, so we thought it prudent to do this, and trust me it has indeed served the intended purpose,” said an official of Zein Foundation.
He added ” We have witnessed about six people being killed by speeding vehicles on this stretch in less than three years, so the intervention is timely.”
Meanwhile, the Foundation has designed a scheme that takes care of the needy in the Christian Village, Kisseiman and Westland on monthly basis.
The Zein Foundation also takes care of children with special needs and those with special sporting talents are nurtured and closely monitored to realize their dreams.