Xbills cautions Ghana’s Awards scheme organizers over favoritism and nepotism


A motivational speaker, founder and owner of GhEvent media Mr. Emmanuel Baidoo  popularly known  as Xbills walkergh of GhEvent advices.

Ghana’s music industry keeps on going international day in and day out,  and in fact our artistes  are really shaking and lifting the flag of Ghana strongly through music. We give thanks to the creative industry, MUSIGA, event organizers and all industry players for the respective roles they are playing to push our music worldwide.


Music Awards schemes is also one of the channels to which have really come to help our artistes know what they are really doing in the industry. It has given a chance for their fans and the world also acknowledge them through their music. In fact, awards schemes  have really brought competition in the industry also and are also paving ways for most artistes in Ghana  to reach international standards.


Music awards schemes have  helped most artistes to speak on the history of their music life, and always show that indeed good works also deserves to be rewarded.


We accept and are very happy that music awards schemes have come to stay, and a lot of Ghanaian youths are also investing into such a system to help award our artistes.

We are therefore we calling for fairness in the operation of awards schemes. A lot of Ghanaian musicians are underground artistes  without managers and they are  really  hustling to push their music brands far and these schemes involve public voting and really demand money.


We entreat all music awards organizers to respect the showbiz business and respect all the Ghanaian artistes as well. They should all be treated the  same when he or she deserves an award for their hard work.


Music awards scheme organizers should not consider any artistes to be awarded when he or she does not deserve it. We should also try not to introduce family affairs when it comes  to showbiz business, and when we do that, our awards schemes will be highly respected, loved all the time and our music will keep climbing to the highest level  always.


Source: GHEvent.com

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