World Day Against Child Labour: DCE urges parents to give children balanced diet to fight COVID 19

The Techiman North Distric Chief Executive (DCE) Hon Peter Mensah on Friday June 12, 2020 held World Day Against Child Labour with a call on parents and caregivers to adopt the habit of giving their wards a well-balanced diet to boost their immune system to enable the Children fight again COVID 19 Pandemic.
Speaking to newsmen after the celebration Hon Peter Mensah urged businesses and corporations to take the moral responsibility and demonstrate compassion to stop employing child labour.
He said most marginalized and vulnerable children are not forgotten by the society during this grave crisis and beyond. We must act now or risk losing an entire generation.
The DCE expressed his commitment to contribute towards healthy lives for individuals, families and the nation at large especially those in the rural areas.
The theme this year is, “COVID-19 – Protect children from child labour now, more than ever”
This year’s World Day Against Child Labour 2020 will focus on the impact of crisis on child labour. The COVID-19 health pandemic and the resulting economic and labour market shock are having a huge impact on people’s lives and livelihoods. Unfortunately, children are often the first to suffer.
The crisis can push millions of vulnerable children into child labour. Already, there are an estimated 152 million children in child labour, 72 million of which are in hazardous work. These children are now at even greater risk of facing circumstances that are even more difficult and working longer hours.
Hon Peter Mensah urged all mothers to feed their children with the required food nutrients as it would go a long way to assist in preparing their minds for academic activities.
The Techiman DCE noted that: “Children are the future of our nation. Let’s dedicate today and every day to protect our children from the evils of child labour.”
According to Hon Perter Mensah, “worldwide, almost one in ten of all children are in child labour and this Covid-19 pandemic is going to prove detrimental to their health and development. We must come together now more than ever to protect them and their future!”
Source: Ghana/