World Bank appoints Ghanaian economist as new Veep for East and South Africa

Victoria Kwakwa assumes World Bank role effective July 1
Victoria Kwakwa succeeds Hafez Ghanem
We hope to improve on gender equality – World Bank on Kwakwa’s appointment
The World Bank has appointed Victoria Kwakwa as the new Vice President for Eastern and Southern Africa from July 1, 2022.
Mrs Kwakwa, before her appointment, was the World Bank’s Vice President for Corporate Strategic Initiatives.
She comes in with over 30 years of experience and will lead an active regional programme including a financing portfolio of over 300 projects, totaling more than $50 billion and extensive policy research and advice.
Under her leadership, the World Bank will continue to provide support to countries that are facing serious economic challenges as a result of the damages caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, food- and energy-fueled inflation, and rising debt levels.
Victoria Kwakwa is touted as one who brings development and experience to the position having formerly worked in countries in Africa and East Asia.
Mrs Kwakwa also served as the Vice President for East Asia Pacific from April 2016 to September 2021, where she led the Bank’s engagement with 23 diverse clients on a wide range of development issues.
With a record of her achievements, she is dedicated to bringing onboard creative and innovative approaches to contribute towards achieving a stable and dynamic economy in the regions.
Mrs. Kwakwa succeeds Hafez Ghanem, who retired from the World Bank on June 30, 2022.