Woman narrates how a towel was left in her belly after a caesarean session at Ridge Hospital

A Ghanaian Mother has recounted her sad incidence to Captain smart on Accra Based Angel Fm, the towel was left inside for nine months until a different hospital discovered it and removed it.
According to her, She was delivered of her baby through a cesarean section at the Ridge hospital in 2015 when the incident happened. After delivering she revealed that after the surgery she had been vomiting frequently and and it looked very green as if she had eaten raw green grass.
She then returned to the Hospital not less than twice but she was told that they couldn’t do anything about her situation because it had been nine months after the operation.
She then went to another hospital and doctors conductors another surgery only to realize that a huge towel used during her caesarean section at Ridge hospital has been left in her Tummy.
She also added that, after he corrective surgery at a different hospital, the very doctor conducted the caesarean section on her at the ridge hospital advised her to ignore the case because taking matter up would cost her a lot of money.
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