Woman gbab eight years jail term after fake rape claims

Eleanor Williams bin cause protests for her Cumbrian home town of Barrow afta she post fotos on social media of injuries wey she claim say she get from beatings.
But Preston Crown Court hear am say na she cause di wounds herself wit hammer.
Court find Williams, 22, guilty of perverting di course of justice.
For di two-day sentencing hearing, we hear say di three men wey Williams falsely accuse bin try to take dia own lives afta pipo target and dem suffer “hell on earth”.
One of dem – Jordan Trengove – spend 73 days in prison, share cell with one convicted sex offender afta dem charge am as a result of Williams’ claims.
Di court hear say pipo bin spray di word “rapist” across im house.
Business owner Mohammed Ramzan, wey Williams bin claim say e groom her from di age of 12 and make her work for brothels for Amsterdam, say im don receive “countless death threats” on social media.
Williams bin tell police say Oga Ramzan carry am go Blackpool wia dem take her to different addresses and force her to have sex wit plenti men.
Wen police make inquiries, dem see say she bin don travell to di seaside town alone and stay for one hotel, wia she buy a Pot Noodle from one nearby shop and then stay for her room dey watch YouTube on her phone.
Meanwhile, Oliver Gardner say one chance encounter wit Williams for Preston make dem put am under Mental Health Act afta she accuse am of rape.
Honorary Recorder of Preston Judge Robert Altham say Williams bin experience difficulties since childhood and she get history of self-harm.
‘Complete fiction’
However, im tok say her allegations dey very serious and e dey troubling say “no significant sign of remorse” and “no explanation to why di defendant go commit dis offences”.
Describing her claims as “complete fiction”, e tok say: “Unless and until di defendant choose to say why she don tell dis lies we no go know.”
Di judge add say: “She don go to extraordinary lengths to create false accusations plus say she cause herself ogbonge injury.”
Di claims don create a “state of heightened tension” for Barrow for about four months, e tok, police also describe di turbulence as wetin dem neva see for di town for decades.
Pipo make social media threats against di local force, di court hear am, wit one caravan of demonstrators travel in vehicles from Barrow to Ulverston and back follow di Facebook post for May 2020.
Dem hold protests outside di police station and on one retail park. For court dem show videos of one appearance for di town by English Defence League founder Tommy Robinson.
Judge Altham say: “Police bin dey under pressure from those who believe dem dey complicit in a cover-up on one hand and those wey felt unsafe at di hands of vigilantes on di other.”
‘Trouble wey she don cause’
Before Judge Altham begin im sentencing remarks, di defence read one letter from Williams wia she say she sabi say she “do wrong over some of dis” and dey “sorry” but add am say she no accept say she dey guilty.
She say she dey “devastated” by di “trouble caused” by her Facebook post and add “if I sabi di consequences wey go come from di status I for no write am”.
She say “no be me cause anything wey happun for di and my family no want Tommy Robinson in town”.
Dem find Williams in January of eight counts of doing acts wey tend and intend to divert course of justice. She bin earlier plead guilty to one further count.
However, last month she announce say she don launch appeal against her conviction.
Source: bbc.com