News Africa

Woman airlifted to hospital after breaking ankle on Magalies mountain

A woman was airlifted to hospital after she slipped and fractured her right ankle on a  Magaliesberg mountain on Saturday afternoon, paramedics said.

Netcare911 spokesperson Shawn Herbst said the incident happened at around 4pm.

Herbst said paramedics, the Mountain Club of SA, Off Road Rescue Unit, Mogale city fire and rescue services and Oostermoed Protection Services had to hike to where the woman was stranded on the mountain.

“When the rescue teams arrived at the scene they found the patient in severe pain and suffering from hypothermia due to the inclement weather.

“Due to the nature of the terrain and safety considerations, the assistance of the air force was requested,” Herbst said.

He said the woman was stabilised and hoisted into a 17 Squadron Oryx helicopter and transported to hospital.


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