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Why I don’t criticize Akufo-Addo – Rawlings



Former President, John Jerry Rawlings, says the constant lies being peddled by some members of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) about his family makes it difficult for him to criticise the current administration.

Delivering a durbar to commemorate the 39th anniversary of the June 4 revolution in Accra on Monday, Mr. Rawlings said he finds it difficult to believe some of the scandals that are being reported about the Akufo-Addo led government because of the lies that are regularly peddled about him and his wife.

“Some of the little ones are so vicious with their mouths…the kind of sins and nasty evil things that they do but turn around and insult people like Martin Amidu, like my wife, like myself and I wonder if that is my wife they are talking about, I wonder if that is me.

“When you say I don’t criticise Nana Addo or the things he does, to be quite honest I don’t know what to believe or to disbelieve because I know some of the things our people say about Martin Amidu, my wife and myself are false,” the military dictator said.

The former president has been a harsh critic of the party he founded, criticizing the party under the late President John Evans Atta Mills and later President John Mahama.

But majority of his party members have accused him of treating the current government with kid gloves despite the many scandals that have rocked the NPP administration in less than two years in power.


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