Why Ghanaweb couldn’t retrieve their domain


  1. Editors taking money from individuals for pulling down articles
  2. Sub-publishers posting pornographic videos on the website
  3. Ghanaweb technical team having conflict among each other 
  4. Ghanaweb has numerous issues with other websites in Ghana
  5. Editors come, editors go with anger.

Ghanaweb, Ghana’s most patronized website has been shut down for about a week now. Ghanaweb was established in the year 1999 Bellaart Investments B.V. The motive of the website is to give news updates to Ghanaians living abroad and those in the country.

This started as opinion sharing till it became a business as time goes on.

Clouds are affected by malicious attacks and failures of the infrastructure, e.g., power failures. Such events can affect the Internet domain name servers and prevent access to a cloud or can directly affect the clouds.

Now looking at the Ghanaweb issue, sources close to the institution have claimed that ”Editors and Technical Team” has contributed to the loss of their original domain.

Why Editors?

Editors in the sense that deleting articles from the page is one of the biggest things that has contributed to the situation. Ghanaweb has designed a way of taking down an article that is very convenient to any individual or institution that wishes to have a complaint about content on the website. Most of the editors do not follow these policies governing the media company.

According to sources, some editors were taking cash for taking down a story from the website instead of directing them to the right department to deal with such issues. Also after taking down the article, the same editors restore the same article and are paid for their own parochial interest.

Some Editors  are not happy about how they were retrenched from the company. With regards to what our reporters have gathered so far, there are some people in the company who report other colleagues just to see them out of the company. This particular issue has been there for years. Remember any editor has their own friend who is a technician and the person can also share security codes on the website even though the person is only an editor in the company.


Ghanaweb created a platform for social media influencers to generate traffic and income through their traffic. With this, most of the bloggers have taken this opportunity to post unnecessary articles on the page. This content includes pornographic pictures and videos on the website which is against Cyber Security laws. In this case some readers may report the website to the Cyber Security Service. This has contributed to a high rate of the current problem.

Receiving a higher number of adult content on a website actually causes damage to a brand.

Meanwhile, some media companies in Ghana and outside the country are also having some issues with most editors in regards to article publication. For some time now, Ghanaweb have decided not to publish articles from some websites in the  country (Ghana) due to competition and related domain names. Barely two years now since Ghanaweb decided not to publish articles from a website from South Africa who had a similar domain name with Ghanaweb.

All the narrated issues confirm that Ghanaweb workers can be the main cause of the shouting down of the domain, especially, editors.

Things Ghanaweb must look at to maintain their long credible name in Ghana and Africa

  • The management should be strict with editors
  • Management must be careful when it comes to and employee reporting a colleague
  • Ghanaweb report should be implement to assure quality production of contents
  • Payment of Salary should be paid on time.
  • Internships should be paid and at the right time


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