We will restore hope to the thousands who have lost their Jobs – Mike Dery

Chief Mike Dery, the newly-elected Central Regional Organizer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has sympathized with the thousands of Ghanaians who have lost their means of livelihood as a result of the current retrenchment drive being undertaking by a number of businesses in the country. He has also called on the government and other private business operators to put a human face to the numerous layoffs and compensate the victims of such layoffs accordingly. Chief Dery has also pledged the NDC will restore hope to the thousands who have been made destitute as a result of the current crisis and are struggling to take care of themselves and their families.
In a spate of six months, an estimated 5,000 Ghanaians have lost their jobs in the banking, media, mining, energy and steel industries. Some of the companies that have reportedly laid off their workers include GN Group, EIB Network, BXC Ghana Ltd., TV Africa, and the newly-formed Consolidated Bank. Even as the nation grapples with this crisis, there are reports that thousands more will be losing their jobs when the Consolidated Bank decides to close over a hundred (100) more of its branches in the coming months.
Commenting on the impact of the lay-offs on the thousands of people who have recently lost their jobs in the country, the regional organizer who is himself a businessman says “these job losses put pressure on the already-difficult economic conditions Ghanaians are living in under this super-incompetent government.” According to the charismatic regional organizer “we are witnessing these unprecedented job losses as a result of the government’s abysmal economic performance and its determination to collapse the businesses of people perceived to be political opponents.” “The thousands who have been asked to go home from the banks, media houses, steel companies among other industries will directly result in thousands of families going hungry” he adds.
“For a party in government that continuously touts its manpower credentials, we least expected the Akufo-Addo-Bawumia government to throw the country and the citizens in such dire straits barely two years after coming to power” Chief Dery bemoans.
Whilst Ghana’s economy has seen some challenges since the NPP took power, most economic watchers believe the current job losses the country is witnessing is unprecedented and is symptomatic of a greater economic problem facing the country.
Chief Mike Dery
Central Regional Organizer (NDC)
Source: www.thepressradio.com/Ghana/Derry

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