‘We will not be apologizing’: See email response of Al Jazeera investigations chief

Rees’ first official comments on government’s April 25 letter seeking a retraction was contained in an email he personally signed in an information request by Accra-based TV3.
The inquiry was specifically to know whether Al Jazeera will apologize or retract for its piece.
He wrote: “You are correct. Since the investigation did not actually allege what the President’s Office has suggested it did – we will not be apologizing or removing the documentary from publication.
“Best wishes,” he concluded.
The signature portion bears his name wit the designation. Director of Investigative Journalism, Investigative Journalism Directorate.
TV3’s Johnnie Hughes published the said email on the Friday, May 5 edition of his programme Johnnie’s Bite as streamed on TV3 and carried on 3FM.
See Rees’ response below:
Source: www.ghanaweb.com