We don’t worship God, we practice God – Prophet

He said, “we do not worship God but rather practice him.”
According to him, worship is in practicing his word and obeying what he has instructed us to do.
Talking to Rev Nyansa Boakwa on Happy 98.9FM’s NsemPii he said, “God is love, that is why you must show love to everyone you come into contact with. That love God is should be practiced and not shown in worship”.
He shared that, it is not possible to love and worship a God you have never seen but hate and refuse to help people you see and have something to do with every day.
“No religion in the world can teach you how to worship God it’s a lie,” he added.
The man of God stated that worshipping God is not singing like we have been made to believe but rather, the real worship is in the practice of his word.
“What singing does is to heal the singer but that is not an act of worship”.
He explained worship as, bowing down and hitting your forehead on the ground.
The prophet stated “If only we will adopt the right way of worshipping in Ghana which is to practice God and not worship him, in addition to our love for church and God, there will be no sin and bad doing in our country.”
Source: happyghana.com