John Mahama in Munich for Security Conference

Mr. Mahama is the Chairperson of the Tana High-Level Forum on Security in Africa. The Tana Forum in collaboration with Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V. (BDI) today, Saturday, host a side event, a MSC Regional Breakfast on ‘Africa’s Place in a multipolar world: Moving from strategy to action”.
The session, which will be opened by President Mahama as Chair of the Tana Forum will be addressed by the Chairman of the Munich Security Conference, Ambassador Christoph Heusgen, and Wolfgang Niedermark of BDI, the Federation of German Industries. South Africa’s Minister for Defence, Thandi Modise, will deliver the keynote remarks.
Mr. Mahama on Friday participated in a number of sessions at the Conference including a townhall discussion on Resetting Migration: Moving Toward Opportunities and a side event on Disinformation: navigating the battle of narratives.