[Watch] How UCC’s Oguaa Hall Week Celebration Turned Bloody

A hall week celebration at the University of Cape Coast (UCC) Saturday dawn turned bloody and led to the destruction of some property.

According to Graphic Online’s Timothy Gobah, the violent incident and vandalism started around 12:45 am on Saturday.

A hall week celebration at the University of Cape Coast (UCC) Saturday dawn turned bloody and led to the destruction of some property.

According to Graphic Online’s Timothy Gobah, the violent incident and vandalism started around 12:45 am on Saturday.

Later in a press statement issued by the Registrar of the UCC, the university authorities said: “management strongly condemns these criminal and unfortunate acts.”

“The university with the support of relevant security agencies, especially the police has initiated investigation into the incident.”

“Management wishes to state unequivocally that all perpetrators will be brought to book and dealt with appropriately.”

It added: “All students, staff, the university community and stakeholders are to remain calm while due process are followed to bring the perpetrators to book.”

What happened?
Graphic Online’s Shirley Asiedu Addo reported that about 15 police men were on guard duties on the campus when Graphic Online went to the scene, but officers said the numbers would be beefed up at night.

Students interviewed by Graphic Online said the clashes started when some students of the Atlantic Hall went to the front arena of the Oguaa Hall with songs and tried to forcibly enter the hall.

When they were resisted, the Atlantic Hall students attacked the Oguaa Hall with stones smashing the window glasses of the Junior Common Room (JRC), and set two motorbikes parked at the hall ablaze, broke glass windows and also set ablaze portions of the hall.

They also smashed the notice boards at the hall.
The Atlantic Hall had also suffered some damage when Graphic Online’s Shirley Asiedu Addo visited there.

The signage of the hall had been destroyed while a statue in front of the hall had been brought down.

The incident has temporarily disrupted activities of the Oguaa hall week celebrations.

Below are some photos and videos from the scene of the incident.

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Oguaa Hall Frontage after the brawl

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Destruction of the ATL Statue happened around 5:20AM

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Vandalized JCR of Oguaa Hall

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One of the three burnt motorbikes

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Destroyed Polytank

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ATL Hall main entrance

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Oguaa JCR Aircondition unit destroyed

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Oguaa Notice Board

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Powdered pepper sprayed at the porter’s lodge floor

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Vandalised JCR.

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ATL Hall main gate after the brawl


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