Video+Photos: Kumasi Railway Subin Tunnel, the hiding place of hardened Criminals

The Kumasi Railway Subin underground, has been identified by residents in the Metropolis as a safe haven for drug peddlers and some hardened criminals.

According to OTECNEWS’ reporter Akweasi Acheapmpong aka ‘Kanewu’ most there confuse their sorry ways of thievery and crime for survival. It is a quotidian oddity of having a job and yet feeling less fulfilled. The no-way-out tune has also ear-wormed its way into their thoughts, further compounding the obscene dejection with which they get by.

It is a painful admission of rot defined the elasticity of a troubling situation at the Kumasi Railway Subin underground now and for years to come.
One of them Kojo Sarfo (not real name) says he is just a scruffy street lord trying to make a living.

“I am not giving up. It is difficult but this is how I survive. Look at the marks on my face…I was beaten by some guys after I stole a phone,” he says, pointing to a visible blemish.

Daily, after successful and unsuccessful attempts to make a living out of thievery, Kojo Sarfo and his colleagues regroup for a pity party, and to account for a stewardship that is sewn on tatty yards of faded dream.
Source: Ghana/