Video Of Funny Face Recieving Hot Slaps From His Baby Mama Surfaces Online

A viral video at the disposal of has revealed moments comic actor Funny Face received a very hot slap from the mother of his children.
From the video which has made it way to social media the “Cow and Chicken” hitmaker was seen receiving the two slaps whiles he didn’t retaliate to it as expected from him.
In a post made on social media by the actor himself he explained that contrary to what most people think about males beating or assaulting females, it was vice versa as he was the one been maltreated by the woman she called her partner some time back.
The caption he attached to the video alleges that the baby-mama slapped him twice during the heated argument but he remained calm because of his twins.
Funny Face also revealed that the baby-mama has been mistreating him for a very long time but he has remained mute all his while because clearly, no one will believe that his wife beats him.
Watch the video below to know more…