Teach your kids these things early enough so they do not become accustomed to some of the wrong ‘values’ in the Nigerian society.
- Treat everyone with respect for others is an important feature that your child should acquire, including respect for other children of the same age, regardless of gender.
- Understanding is more important than passing exams It is normal for Nigerian parents to get upset when their children don’t get the grades they wanted them to. However, instead of comparing them to children who do well in school, they should know that passing exams is not everything. You should teach your child that understanding is more important than grades.
- Older people don’t know it all Most Nigerians are of the opinion that it is disrespectful for a child to correct an older person. This is because they believe that wisdom increases with age but that is not always the case. So, it is very important to teach your Nigerian kids that it is okay to correct an older person as long as it is done politely.
- You do not have to always try and impress impressionable young children often think that popularity among friends is very important, and they do their best to obtain it. This behavior often follows them into adulthood and the effects of giving into peer pressure can be much more adverse when they are older. So you should show your kids that being an honest and respectable person is more valuable than getting someone’s approval and devaluing their beliefs.
- NO means NO this is in relation to sexual education. By the age of 10, parents should have given their kids ‘the sex talk’ but they often forget to add this very important bit: NO MEANS NO. As we have seen play out in today’s world that most people do not understand the concept of No. This might be because most parents teach their young girls how to dress and conduct themselves around men and forget to teach their young children, both male and female that NO means NO and rape is bad. CTA: What other important things should Nigerian kids is taught early?
Source: Wochit