(VIDEO): Ghanaians force Chinese man to carry own faeces after openly defecating in their garden

A middle-aged Chinese man has been captured on camera openly defecating in the garden of some Ghanaians with whom his property shares a boundary.

It is not clear where exactly the incident took place but the English- and Twi-speaking Ghanaian occupants of the property on which the Asian eased himself, confronted him while videoing the whole affair on their mobile phones.

The Chinese national, who, in his embarrassment, hurriedly wiped himself clean with a tissue paper, kept apologising, as he abruptly truncated his ‘business’ and hurriedly wore his briefs and pair of trousers.

The Ghanaians insisted the Chinese man collect his own excrement from their property and transfer it onto his own land.

At first, the Chinese man said his driver would do that, but his accusers insisted he did it himself since the excrement was his rather than his driver’s.

He succumbed.

Source: Ghana/ClassFMonline.com/91.3FM

Video Credit: Facebook/ Andrè Bourrèau

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