[VIDEO]: Dambai travelers risking their lives on Oti River without life jackets
Travellers who cross the Oti River at Dambai in the Krachi East Municipality of the Volta Region risk their lives daily as they cross the river without life jackets.
Hundreds of passengers who travel on the Oti River at Dambai stand the risk of losing their lives when a disaster strikes without steps taken to ensure that the boats observe the required safety measures in water transport by providing life jackets for travellers.
Chief Petty Officer II, Ezekiel Abdulai, the Commander of the Navy stationed at Dambai to ensure safety on the Oti River revealed that he has met with the Municipal Chief Executive for Krachi East, Patrick Jilimah and the Member of Parliament for the area who is also the Deputy Minister for Water and Resources, Michael Gyato on the life jacket issue and they have assured him of getting some for the boat operators.
“It is true they are not using life jackets because the procurement had delayed but upon assumption of office I have spoken to the MCE and MP and they have promised me to facilitate the purchase of life jackets so that the boat owners can pay them on installment basis. For now, that is what we are waiting for, and hopefully it will not be long we would get life jackets for all of them,” CPO II Abdulai revealed.
CPO II Abdulai noted that as they wait for the procurement of the life jackets, they are always there to ensure that the boats do not overload, and also they start their journey early to avoid traveling at night to avoid hitting stumps which could result in accidents.
By: Michael Sarpong Mfum/citinewsroom.com/Ghan