Video: Bishop Obinim ‘flies and vanishes’ in front of his credulous congregation

The insanity of Angel Bishop Obinim, glorified by his credulous and ignorant followers has gotten to a different level.

For many years, the charlatan called Obinim has served his followers, mostly uneducated Ghanaians with a thick kool-aid of nonsense, made possible by religion.

And his latest episode of absolute baloney being fed to his congregation is his attempt to fly and vanish into thin air, captured in the below video.

In the video, a charged Obinim tells his church members that he wants to fly and disappear right in front of them–and therefore they should all pick up their mobile phones to record it.

For once, I was excited because I thought we were going to get multiple recorded evidence of Bishop Obinim’s claimed spiritual powers.

But these charlatans are just that and nothing more–so somehow, he is convinced by his followers not to fly or disappear–over fears that he may never return.

He then proceeds to threaten that no one should write anything about this video because if anyone does, he would show him where power lies in just 3 days.

Another BS–which is an attempt to scare his critics like us from calling out his fraud once again.

So with all his claimed powers, he cannot ask that his English be made perfect by God? FRY FRY folks!

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