Update: Curfew over Bole after Eid prayers disturbances

Police in Bole have confirmed a 6:00pm to 6:00am curfew on Bole after some disturbances in the Savannah Regional town.

Joy News’ Hasmin Mohammed reported the chieftaincy related violence led to the burning down of two homes a guesthouse.

Earlier in the day, the Eid-Ul-Fitr prayers was called off due to the violence. The disturbances marred the Eid-Ul-Fitr prayers in Bole in the Savannah Region Wednesday.

Nkigli FM’s Zion Abdul Raulf who narrated the incident to Joy News said a dormant chieftaincy dispute caused the fracas.

According to the reporter, one of the two feuding chiefs had entered the town from Damongo to celebrate the Eid with the people.

Some youth of the town got wind that the rival chief was in town and planned the attack. Raulf said the authorities in the town received this intelligence and made a radio announcement to natives to be alert.

And when a curfew-siren was blown residents assumed that an emergency curfew has been placed, causing them to run home.

Raulf however, said his checks from the District Chief Executive say there is no emergency curfew. He added that as of midday Wednesday, calm has been restored to Bole.

Meanwhile, the 8pm to 5am curfew — which was placed on the town amid the chieftaincy crisis — is still in force, according to the reporter.

Be on the alert

Meanwhile, President Akufo-Addo while commending Muslims for their 29 days fast,asked them to be on the alert in their communities.

Akufo-Addo Eid 2019

The president wants them to report any suspicious characters in the communities to appropriate authorities to foil any possible terror attack.

His appeal comes as religious intuitions have been asked to be alert against terror attacks.

Source: Ghana |

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