UK residents react in shock as BBC weather app shows Ghanaian updates instead of England’s

Some Brits have been left confused after a glitch in a weather forecast application by the BBC provided them with updates on the weather situation in Ghana instead of England.
In July this year, England experienced difficult heat wave conditions which reached above 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit) – the first of its kind in the country.
The weather conditions, however, forced UK authorities to issue a Level 3 heat-health alert for the southern and central part of England.
According to Daily Mail UK, the glitch in the weather app also showed the current location of the British people as if they were in Ghana.
Users of the mobile app, who were confused by the development, took to social media platform Twitter to express their sentiment over the glitch.
“Why does my weather app think my location is Ghana when I am actually in Leeds, UK?,” a user expressed.
Another wrote; “Serious question. Just opened BBC weather app, said local weather was Takoradi in Ghana – I’m in Leicester. Could this mean someone has hacked my phone? What do I do?”
As a result of the mobile application glitch, residents in Aberdeen-Scotland, London, and the Peak District had their app indicating to them that they were presently located in Ghana.
However, the average temperature in Axim and Takoradi, where the app showed to some users, had the weather conditions of 23C to 31C, rarely dropping below 20C or above 33C.
But in Aberdeen, the weather temperature baring the glitch was between 2C and 18C, while London was between 4C and 23C. The Peak District had a temperature of between 0C and 19C.
Meanwhile, some users of the app also expressed their wish that would have preferred being in a much hotter weather climate like Ghana.
One user wrote; “My weather app has decided that my current location is Axim, Ghana and that it’s 30 degrees and very sunny. Maybe I’m in some sort of quantum flux or something, as looking outside I can definitely see a mostly overcast corner of Aberdeen.”
“It’s funny, I could swear I’m at home in Chislehurst, but my weather app is telling me that my current location is Takoradi in Ghana. I’ll take that,” another user wrote.
The BBC however in response to the glitch said: “We’re aware of a bug in the iOS version of the BBC Weather app whereby several locations in Ghana, such as Axim or Takoradi, are displayed instead of your current location.
“We’re working with Apple to fix this problem. Until we’re able to resolve this issue, tapping on ‘refresh’ should allow the app to pick up your actual location.”
See some reactions below