UG, UCC Basic Schools closed down as senior staff’s strike bites

Basic schools managed by some universities in have been closed down indefinitely–as their senior staff’s strike begins to bite hard.
The Universities of Ghana and Cape Coast, have in a letter informed stakeholders including parents of the development.
“It is very unfortunate to inform you of a postponement of in our reopening date scheduled for 25th January, 2021. A new date of resumption will be communicated to you later”, the management of the University of Ghana Basic School wrote in a letter sighted by
“All sections of the University Basic Schools (KG, Primary, JHS and North Campus) will be closed from Monday, 25th January, 2021 until further notice”.
“This is due to the strike action embarked upon by the Senior Staff Association-Universities of Ghana of which our staff are members”, the University of Cape Coast Basic Schools also wrote in its letter on Sunday.
With this development, pupils –who had waited anxiously to return to school after spending over 10 months at home due to COVID-19 –have had their hopes dashed.
Senior staff in state-run universities in Ghana had announced a withdrawal of services with immediate effect.
The members who have formed the Senior Staff Association-Universities of Ghana (SSA-UoG) announced the decision at a press conference on Thursday.
The group is protesting the non-payment of their Tier-2 pension arrears, market premium among others.
This comes just after the Teachers and Education Workers’ Union (TEWU) also suspended a strike over similar concerns after a meeting with the government.
“I wish on behalf of the National Executive Council to announce the withdrawal of services with immediate effect” an executive of SSA-UoG Mohammed Zakaria said.
“For the avoidance of doubt members are required to lay down their tools until further notice”, Zakaria, who was addressing members in the Northern Regional capital, Tamale added.
The Senior Staff Association has in the past complained of unfavourable policies from the government that are responsible for the deteriorating conditions of its members.
It also noted the lack of study leave with pay, medical care for staff and families among others as issues that needed addressing.
In October 2020, the National Labour Commission secured an injunction to stop the association’s last strike attempt.
The commission had not been informed of the intended strike.
Source: Daily Mail