News Africa

Two dead, one mad: The strange story of the four Ghanaian university students who went for ‘hook-up’ duties in Nigeria

This young woman who goes by the name Vanessa, has narrated how she got initiated into a hook-up gang at the university and travelled to Nigeria with her new friends for a party.

According to Vanessa, due to her poor background, her roommates helped her pay for her fees and other things money could take care of.

One night, they invited her to a party and that was where she tasted alcohol for the first time.

“I was there one Friday when the girls returned from lectures and informed me about an outing that evening but will return on Saturday and asked if I was interested. I followed them to an elitist place. But before that they took me to East Legon to shop for new clothes.

“Truly, I saw big men when I went to the venue. We sat at a table and had conversations with some big men. I was even introduced to alcohol that evening. But they left me alone with one of the men who took me to a room and slept with me. He gave me $200 and some cedis for transport the next morning,” she narrated to a pastor in a video sighted on the TikTok page of a user named hisheartbeat7.

Happy with the money she made in just one night, she decided to join them and along the way, they had to travel to Nigeria for a party that had all the powerful Ghanaian and Nigerian celebrities in attendance.

“The room they took me to was very big with three big beds. I was there with four other ladies. Before we moved from the venue of the party, I could see others engaging in sexual acts in the hallway and they didn’t care. The party seemed like an orgy. Later, five men came into the room and had sex with all of us. They were just exchanging us. I had no choice than to do it because I needed the money they were offering. Big and popular women also slept with us. That is what happened for the rest of the week I spent in Nigeria with my friends.”

It was after this party their woes started.

“On the day of our return, my friend, Pearl (fake name), had an attack in the flight. She complained about a bad headache she was battling and we asked her to take enough water and she did. But she suddenly started bleeding from the nose and vomiting till we arrived at the airport in Ghana. She was immediately rushed to the hospital but died after three days.”

They mourned their friend and returned to their lifestyle afterwards.

“We visited our godmother who kept linking us to these men but it wasn’t as frequent as we used to go,” Vanessa narrated.

Not too long after another one of her friends started behaving strangely.

“Subsequently, Vincentia; one of the ladies started behaving strangely. She started acting like a mad person. So, we rushed her to the hospital but were advised to take her to a psychiatric hospital. She was released to go home one day but run away and we haven’t heard from her again till now.”



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