Two dead, 30 injured after car crash on Kintampo-Tamale road

Two persons have died with 30 others sustaining severe injuries in a car crash on the Kintampo-Tamale road.

The incident occurred on Tuesday, March 9, 2021, after the front tyre of a tractor detached causing it to crash with a commercial bus.

The Tuesday incident, which has been described as a freak accident, occurred near the Soronoase Toll Booth, at around 5 pm.

According to the passengers and eyewitnesses, the front left tyre of the tractor detached just prompting unsuccessful evasive manoeuvres by the bus driver.

A passenger said all he saw “was that the tyre of the tractor ahead of them removed and in an attempt by the bus driver to avoid colliding with the rogue tyre, tried to manoeuvre the bus away but was unsuccessful.”

Two passengers died on the spot with thirty others sustaining varying degrees of injuries.

Four of the injured passengers were referred to the Holy Family Hospital in Techiman, with the others receiving treatment at the Kintampo Municipal Hospital.

The Sprinter bus was heading to Sunyani from Bolgatanga in the Upper East Region when the unfortunate incident occurred.


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