The state of hardship in Effutu (Winneba) is beyond imagination and I suggest the Government, Member of Parliament, the MCE , the chiefs and elders of Effutu need to sit at the table of development to discuss the growth of effutu economically, that will go a long way to have great impact on the lives of the inhabitants and the whole township at large.
I am not against the construction of roads, bridges, school buildings, libraries, amusement centers, football pitches, giving money to support the needy, supplying of equipment such as sewing machines, ovens to skillful institutions in Effutu and lastly giving out equipment to the masquerade groups,etc which to me are all good initiatives and I personally applaud the MP in the constituency, Hon. Alex Afeyo Markins , my noble senior brother for his good intentions for the people of Effutu, However, I am of the belief that more needs to be done and also let’s remember that it’s a collective responsibility as inhabitants of Effutu. It’s time to pair heads and minds in unity to reason with each other, to take a bold initiative to develop Effutu economically.
One person can not do it all alone by him/herself. It’s a broader stakeholder discussion when it comes to the development of a community / town. It’s time to think of reviving all collapsed business and establishing new ones to create employment to reduce the hardship in Effutu to also add value to Effutu’s economic growth.
Many of our youth are jobless and due to that, most have turned into beggars secretly and drunkers due to thinking . The biggest factories as I write are mostly drinking spots and amusement centers where these brilliant and skillful youth spend most of their time engaging each other to reflect on their unemployment situation.
As an inhabitant of Effutu and an entrepreneur, I am suggesting these few things to my people to consider as a needful solution to stop the hardship in Effutu.
Developing the Sea area of Efutu into a fish processing area; Every area in Africa has got something peculiar which it’s inhabitants can boast of if utilized well, and can in turn provide jobs for the citizens of the area. Let’s take a quick look at Efutu which can boast of a large fishing area but yet it has been abandoned. The question is why should the inhabitants of such a town be jobless when the sea side can be constructed into a fishing plant, producing fish for all kinds of markets. Can a canning plant be set up to produce canned fish? Can cold rooms be created to provide safety measures for storage? I believe the answer is “Yes”. Let’s think about the fact that an area abandoned like this can be turned into a business hub.
Can the sea be used to generate hydro electric power? If yes, citizens of Efutu will not rely on ECG. This can even go a long way to provide power to the fishing area non stop without interruptions and reduce power fluctuations.
The HEP will also provide jobs for the inhabitants of Efutu. Again, there can be the introduction of solar powered fish cold stores with high efficiency insulation since sunlight is free. This will provide high degree of autonomy self reliance and suitable for operation in these times of frequent power interruptions. This fish will support local industry for local consumption. There would not be the need to rely on imported canned fish. The fish species that are usually processed include salmon, tuna, herring, redfish ,mackerel haddock, tilapia just to mention a few. I believe most of these can be found in Efutu sea shore.
Efutu as a town could even come out with their own label of canned fish. Let’s not leave such an good business venture untapped, it can turn tables around for the citizens of Efutu. God bless Effutu and us all.