Togbe Afede XIV Exposed Over Secret Deals Involving Ghana’s Gold Resources

President of the National House of Chiefs and Agbogbomefia of the Asogli traditional area, Togbe Afede xiv has been fingered in secret deals involving Ghana’s gold mineral resource.
Documents available to My News Ghana show that SAS Securities, a company that belongs to the traditional leader was involved in a secret deal to manage all Ghana’s gold resources.
In the deal, his company, SAS Securities, was tasked to be the transaction advisors for the Ghana Gold Company, the vehicle contracted by the John Mahama administration to manage all of Ghana’s Gold mineral royalties.
The deal is said to have taken place over a period of two (2) years from 2010 to 2012.
Togbe Afede XIV joined calls for the government to make issues and transactions relating to the Agyapa Royalties deal public.
Many have slammed the President of the National House of Chiefs and Chief of Agbogbomefia of the Asogli traditional area, Togbe Afede XIV for exhibiting double standards since he was actively involved in a similar deal under the National Democratic Congres (NDC) administration.
To prove allegations that Togbe Afede XIV was involved in such a deal under the John Mahama administration below is an attendant book of a meeting held on 24th October 2020 to establish a national vehicle to hold Ghana’s gold interests.
In the document, the signature of Togbe Afede XIV is seen as one of the attendees.
Many Ghanaians have questioned why Togbe Afede XIV should