Today in history, these things happened

January 14th is a day that has seen its fair share of historical events throughout the years. Here are a few notable moments that took place on this date:
In 1784, the United States ratified the Treaty of Paris, officially ending the Revolutionary War with Great Britain. This treaty recognized the independence of the United States and established the boundaries between the new nation and British North America.
In 1858, French emperor Napoleon III escaped from captivity in the Siege of Paris. Napoleon was being held prisoner by the Prussians during the Franco-Prussian War, but managed to escape and return to Paris, where he was able to rally the French army and continue fighting.
In 1878, the first phonograph was demonstrated by Thomas Edison. The phonograph was a device that could record and play back sound, and it was a major invention that would change the way music and other audio recordings were made and distributed.
In 1915, the United States Coast Guard was established as an independent military branch. The Coast Guard was created by merging the Revenue Cutter Service and the Life-Saving Service, and it is responsible for enforcing laws, protecting the nation’s maritime interests, and saving lives at sea.
In 1957, Harold Macmillan became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Macmillan served as Prime Minister for six years and is known for his policies of modernization and liberalization, which helped to promote economic growth and social change in the UK.
These are just a few examples of the many historical events that have taken place on January 14th. From treaties that ended wars to the invention of new technologies, this date has been a witness to many important moments in history.