Pills bleaching: Korankye Ankrah’s throwback photos expose Owusu Bempah


Less than 24 hours after Rev Isaac Owusu Bempah Leader of the Glorious Word Power Ministry International said General Overseer of the Royalhouse Chapel, Rev. Sam Korankye Ankrah cannot accuse anyone of bleaching because he himself has been bleaching using injections and swallowing of pills, throwback pictures of the Royal House Chapel leader has emerged exposing Owusu Bempah.

Owusu Bempah, who is widely believed to be bleaching accused Korankye Ankrah of also bleaching using pills and injections.

“Korankye Ankrah doesn’t know how to preach. I am daring him to come to the stadium and meet me for a preaching competition.”

But a facebook user, Emmanuel Agormeda has shared pictures with a reply to Rev Owusu Bempah.



Source: mynewsgh.com

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